Mineral Park is a town in the United States, which is called a 'ghost town'. At the beggining it was a very busy town with lots of people.
After work they liked to spend their free time in the saloons and restaurants. Each person was happy and merry!
After 1887 Mineral Park started to change into a quiet town. The town became nearly empty. Today, there are only a few ruined buildings left. Some people continue to visit Mineral Park to imagine what life was in the past.
Минеральный Парк - это город в США, который прозвали 'городом-призраком',
Это был очень оживленный город с большим количеством людей.
После работы они любили проводить свободное время в салонах и ресторанах. Каждый человек был счастливым и веселым!
После 1887 Минеральный Парк начал превращаться в тихий городок. Город стал почти пустым. Сегодня сохранилось только несколько разрушенных зданий. Некоторые люди продолжают приезжать в Минеральный Парк, чтобы представить, какая жизнь была в
1. Dad watches TV most evenings.
2. You often play with your friends after school.
3. Grandma and Grandpa are listening to the radio at the moment.
4. She is doing her homework now.
5. He is in the football team this year. [Немного странное предложение]
6. Mum is writing an e-mail right now.
7. They have homework at weekends.
8. My sister is sticking pictures in her book at the moment.
9. We go on a summer holiday every June.
10. I am learning to play tennis in school at the moment.
11. We stayed at home last Sunday.
12. He sometimes goes fishing with his father.
13. I have never eaten salami.
14. She is sleeping now.
[Или задание поставлено некоректно, или это специально запутано, ведь вместо Present Simple и Present Continious в некоторых предложениях нужно было поставить совсем другие времена.]
2. money
3. store of value
4. medium of exchange
5. value
6. bookkeeping
7. measure of value
8. wealth