2 Harry Potter goes to a wizard school called Hogwarts. There he learns wizardry.
3 Harry faces many adventures at Hogwarts. He also faces many problems.
4 Because Harry's parents died from a very terrible villain named Lord Voldemort. He lives with his mean grandparents. He seldom gets dinner. He hasn’t got any privileges to watch TV or to do anything he wants. He is very miserable at home.
5 Harry is brave, kind, clever. He loves advetures and he is one of the most courageous characters you can ever read.
1. peace Может ли семья жить мирно, без склок и скандалов? 2. designer Был ли ты дизайнером в молодости? Придумал ли ты какие-то новые схемы или идеи? 3. dangerous, most in-demand Хоть у кого-то в твоей семье опасная работа/профессия? Какие профессии в Беларуси сейчас наиболее востребованы? 4. famous В твоей семье были известные интеллектуалы? Кто они были? 5. pleasant Проводил ли ты приятно время со своей семьей недавно? Чем вы занимались? 6. this Хотел бы ты быть всемирно известной знаменитостью? Как ты думаешь, быть таким хорошо или плохо? Почему?
1 J. K. Rowling
2 Harry Potter goes to a wizard school called Hogwarts. There he learns wizardry.
3 Harry faces many adventures at Hogwarts. He also faces many problems.
4 Because Harry's parents died from a very terrible villain named Lord Voldemort. He lives with his mean grandparents. He seldom gets dinner. He hasn’t got any privileges to watch TV or to do anything he wants. He is very miserable at home.
5 Harry is brave, kind, clever. He loves advetures and he is one of the most courageous characters you can ever read.