1. Pooh asked Burro thistle for Tiger, because he thought that the Tigers love thistle
2. Donkey led them to the thistle and said that the kept it for his birthday
3. Tiger filled his mouth with thistles, but then shouted that he was hot and began to run on the site. Tiger realized that he does not like the thistle
4. Pooh, Piglet and Tigger went to Kanga. They walked in silence. At home, Kanga was Christopher Robin.
5. Kengo allowed Tiger to look in the buffet and choose what he wants. But the Tiger do not like it there. Then he saw as Roux takes fish oil, he licked the bank and realized that he likes fish oil!
Vera: I've got some flour and some butter, and two lemons. What can I make? E меня есть немного муки и масла, и два лимона. Что я могу приготовить?
Jill: Have you got any sugar? - А у тебя есть сахар?
Vera: Yes.I see the sugar on the shelf. Да, я вижу сахар на полке..
Jill: That's good. -Хорошо.
You can make a lemon cake. - Ты можешь приготоить лимонный пирог.
Put some flour and the sugar in a bowl. - Положи немного муки и сахара в миску.
Heat the butter in the frying pan and add to the bowl. - Разогрей масло на сковородке и добавь в миску.
Cut the lemons with a knife and add the lemons in the bowl. - Порежь ножом лимоны и добавь в миску.
Add a little salt and mix them together with a spoon. Добавь чуть-чуть соли и размешай все ложкой.
Cook a cake in the oven for 30 minutes. - Выпекай пирог в духовке 30 минут.