To begin with wild animals are suffering from a variety of different negative features, which is why so many species are kept in zoos. But it is good for animals to live in such limited conditions? In the first place people keep wild animals in zoos all, to rescue them from the merciless killing. For example, there are some kinds of Sokolov, which are very rare. This means that a lot of poachers want to get rich by selling them. Secondly, people who care for animals, feed them, while in the wild, they have to find food themselves. What it is one of the advantages of zoos. In addition, living in zoos gives a real possibility for the animals to be protected from other animals. To be more exact, you do not have to defend their territory, to fight against his enemies, fear of sudden attack. Their lives in zoos quite peaceful. In addition to the advantages of keeping animals in zoos, there are some downsides. Firstly, zoos are in public places, so many of the visitors to disturb the animals. People take pictures of five of them, feed them, even cause their anger. All of these things, no doubt, affect adversely animal waste. In addition, wild animals do not have enough space in the cell, how to run and jump. Their life is not so significant and interesting comparisons with life in the forests, plains and jungles. The worst of animals in zoos, in my view, lies in the fact that they may lose their natural instincts, and then they become dapendent people. If we send the wild animals back to the wild life, it will be very difficult for them to survive, and, moreover, there is little chance to stay alive for a long time. In general, the content of wild animals in zoos is a good opportunity to preserve them for future generations, but zoos do wild animals, and domestic and tame, which is not good for them. In general, I think it would be better to make more natural reserves than in zoos, because they have much more in common with the wild life.
Какой совет вы бы дали людям, которые только начинают изучать английский язык? Анна: Я нахожу чтения очень helpful- Я читаю книги, газеты, журналы и другие периодические издания. Я пытаюсь угадать смысл слов я не знаю из контекста. Но я также искать слова в словаре и записать наиболее полезные из них. Int .: Как насчет прослушивания поп-музыки? Анна: Да, это может быть полезно. Прослушивание радио, просмотр видео и образовательные телевизионные программы на английском языке мне, тоже, особенно слушая новости. Int .: Как я могу видеть, изучение языка не просто как все это. Вы можете узнать правила грамматики, произношения и лексики, но самая сложная особенность любого языка изучает элементы, для которых нет никаких письменных, например, на правилах "социальной английского". Это означает, что изучение ожидаемых поведения, зная, какой английский язык для использования в различных ситуациях, формальных или неформальных и как понять, что говорится, все, что так легко и естественно на вашем родном языке
In the first place people keep wild animals in zoos all, to rescue them from the merciless killing. For example, there are some kinds of Sokolov, which are very rare. This means that a lot of poachers want to get rich by selling them. Secondly, people who care for animals, feed them, while in the wild, they have to find food themselves. What it is one of the advantages of zoos. In addition, living in zoos gives a real possibility for the animals to be protected from other animals. To be more exact, you do not have to defend their territory, to fight against his enemies, fear of sudden attack. Their lives in zoos quite peaceful.
In addition to the advantages of keeping animals in zoos, there are some downsides. Firstly, zoos are in public places, so many of the visitors to disturb the animals. People take pictures of five of them, feed them, even cause their anger. All of these things, no doubt, affect adversely animal waste. In addition, wild animals do not have enough space in the cell, how to run and jump. Their life is not so significant and interesting comparisons with life in the forests, plains and jungles. The worst of animals in zoos, in my view, lies in the fact that they may lose their natural instincts, and then they become dapendent people. If we send the wild animals back to the wild life, it will be very difficult for them to survive, and, moreover, there is little chance to stay alive for a long time.
In general, the content of wild animals in zoos is a good opportunity to preserve them for future generations, but zoos do wild animals, and domestic and tame, which is not good for them. In general, I think it would be better to make more natural reserves than in zoos, because they have much more in common with the wild life.