Texte 1. What is the name of the drawing competition? Best image 2. Who is the author of the painting "Circle of friends"? 3. Where did Sally meet her friends?
If you ask me which holiday I love the most, I would answer without thinking – the New year. It's my favorite holiday because it carries a story. We all know it is the one magical holiday of the year. He promises many gifts, winter holidays, entertainment, fun, visits, and meetings with friends and family. Some say that the New year can come true any dream. I believe that too, because when they come true, not in new year's eve? Come to us Santa Claus and snow Maiden, gifts and good mood. All the family members rejoice and be glad. I already drew them for holiday cards, I think they'd enjoy. Parents from early childhood made me a New year's true story: dad dressed in Santa Claus, we went on a Christmas presentation, I was waiting for a bunch of surprises. So this holiday became for me the most joyful and long-awaited.
1. In the neighboring gallery there are some famous paintings by I. Repin. А. Participle I, определение. 2. While visiting the zoo most people are taking photos. Б. Participle I, обстоятельство +часть глагольного сказуемого в Present Continuous. 3. The fund administered directly by the Queen helps the developing countries. В. Participle II, определение. 4. When taken to the theatre school children are given pocket money. Г. Participle II, обстоятельство + часть глагольного сказуемого в страдательном залоге. 1. В соседней галерее есть несколько известных картин И. Репина. 2. Во время посещения зоопарка большинство людей делают фото. 3. Фонд, управляемый лично королевой развивающимся странам. 4. При походе в театр, школьникам дают карманные деньги.