Long, long ago, in the days when magic was still in some use, an old Wicked Witch put a King's son under a spell.
She shut him in a great iron Chest.
Then, with the help of her magic she hid the prince, Chest, and all in the middle of a lonely forest.
Noone knew what became of the Prince.
The Prince's father sent his men far and wide, but they could not find him.
Year after year the Chest stood there in the great wild forest.
It so happened that a King's daughter had lost her way in that forest.
She had been walking for nine days and suddenly she saw some strange Chest standing in front of her.
She also heard the Chest speaking.
The Chest wanted to know where the girl had come from and where was she going.
She answered she had lost her way.
The voice from the chest said it would help the girl if she promised to come back and marry him.
She agreed.
Traditions and customs of Ukraine – are unique and various
Each people have heritage and the customs created throughout the millennia or even centuries. Traditions and customs of Ukraine – are unique and various. Traditions and customs of Ukraine are of great importance for Ukrainians.
The most important customs of Ukraine belong, first of all, to a family. So, the birth of the child always was a significant event in life of each family. It isn't accepted to come to the house where there is a newborn without gift. This day family celebration as under religious laws it is day of the spiritual birth is arranged, and it is considered more important, than birthday. And to the new house, by tradition of Ukraine, the first let in a cat or a rooster. On ancient belief, they clear the new dwelling of evil ghosts.
Wedding customs of Ukraine aren't less interesting also. In order that in real life young overcame obstacles easier, during a wedding it is accepted to create obstacles to the groom. For example, to block the road the tense tapes that it couldn't pass to the bride. The groom has to in any way to occupy or redeem an entrance to the bride: money, arrangements or gifts. Besides, the groom with the bride can be thrown wheat or rice in which add small coins – a fertility and welfare symbol.
Such customs, as birthday celebration, housewarming, engagement are also popular. Each custom represents special ritual with feasts, songs and toasts.