Complete the sentences in the table. 1 When John looks at John in the mirror, we say he looks at 2 When Annie texts Kate and Kate texts Annie we say they text
Музей изначально задумывался как собрание древностей Древней Греции и Древнего Рима. Вместе с археологическими находками и предметами искусства, которые свозили в Лондон со всех уголков колониальные агенты Британской империи, музей пополнялся рисунками, гравюрами, медалями, монетами и книгами самых разных эпох.
The museum was originally conceived as a collection of antiquities of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Together with the archaeological finds and objects of art brought to London from all corners by the colonial agents of the British Empire, the museum was replenished with drawings, engravings, medals, coins and books of various epochs.
1. A detached house is a house which is not connected in any way with another house. 2. A semi-detached house or semi is a house which is one of the built together. 3: A cottage is a small house, especially in the country. 4. A castle is a large strongly built building made in former times to be defended against attack. 5. A block of flats is a large building divided into separate flats. 6. A palace is a large grand house in which a king or queen officially lives. 7. A bungalow is a type of house which is all on one floor 8. A terraced house is one house which is part of a line of joined houses.