Конечно, мне нравится, как выглядит Санта: большая борода, классные сапоги и растрепанные волосы. И я хотел одеть костюм Санта-Клауса для выступления на телевиденье . Я определенно нравиться получать подарки, хотя я, могу их купить. Для меня все что мне нужно это мои товарищи, хороший отдых и хороший смех
Of course, I like the look of Santa: big beard, cool boots and disheveled hair. And I wanted to wear Santa Claus costume for a TV show. I would definitely like to get gifts, but I can not buy them. For me, all I need is my friends, a good rest and a good laugh
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Archimedes. Why in the first place was the ancient Greek scientist? First of all, because he is one of the greatest mathematicians of all times, close he came to the calculation of the number of "PI". Today all students and students of the daily study and enjoy the discoveries of the Greek. Also Archimedes was famous for the invention of many useful machines. Among these are the siege guns, and mirrors, поджигающие sails on the Roman ships by focusing sunlight. Archimedes made the first theorist of mechanics. For example, he presented the complete theory of the lever, applying it in practice. Also, scientists have developed a Archimedes screw (screw), with the help of which вычерпывается water and the present day. The primacy of the inventor of merit - all of it was opened more than two thousand years ago, when there were no computers, no technology available today, the inventors. Archimedes, perhaps, he studied in the libraries of Alexandria, but most of his knowledge was acquired independently.