1) There are some extra chairs in the next room.
Are there any extra chairs in the next room?
There aren't any extra chairs in the next room.
2) He made some mistakes in spelling.
Did he make any mistakes in spelling?
He didn't make any mistakes in spelling.
3) They have some pretty dresses in that store.
Do they have any pretty dresses in that store?
They don't have any pretty dresses in that store.
4) The teacher taught us some important rules of grammar.
Did the teacher teach us any important rules of grammar?
The teacher didn't teach us any important rules of grammar.
5) We learned some new words in class yesterday.
Did we learn any new words in class yesterday?
We didn't learn any new words in class yesterday.
6) There are some flowers in the yellow vase.
Are there any flowers in the yellow vase?
There aren't any flowers in the yellow vase.
7) The doctor gave her some pills to take.
Did the doctor give her any pills to take?
The doctor didn't give her any pills to take.
8) I bought some stamps at the post-office.
Did I buy any stamps at the post-office?
I didn't buy any stamps at the post-office.
9) He told us about some of his experiences.
Did he tell us about any of his experiences?
He didn't tell us about any of his experiences.
Тут есть и те и не те слова
Чистая комната это та комната в которой соблюдается порядок. 1 совет, в чистой комнате должен быть свежый воздух. 2 совет, чтобы поддерживать чистоту в комнате нужно убираться каждый день. 3 это проводить генеральную уборку один раз в неделю. 4 все вещи которые ты брал нужно складывать на место. 5 следи за собой и твоя комната тоже будет чистой. (На русском)
А clean room is a room where order is maintained. 1 tip, a clean room should have fresh air. 2 tip: to keep your room clean, you need to clean it every day. 3 is to carry out General cleaning once a week. 4 all things that you took need to be put in place. 5 take care of yourself and your room will also be clean. (На английском)
Возможно что то будет не правильно, сори.
1. flying
2. dancing
3. clapping
4. walking