1По профессии автомеханик, он был одарённым пилотом и всякий раз, когда летел в качестве моего ведомого, действовал надёжно, смело и точно
2Хитрый автомеханик может «забыть» подтянуть приводной ремень в вашей машине, и тогда вам приходится снова обращаться в ремонт, — вот и некоторые прорицатели прибегают к такого рода уловкам, только они имеют дело с вашей энергией.
3Такова же по роду деятельности и обязанность автомеханика в мастерской.
4Как правило, автомеханики имеют специализацию, связанную с обслуживанием определённых систем автомобиля: специалисты по кузовным работам, мотористы, шиномонтажники, автоэлектрики и т
Daniel's teacher told usthat ..Daniel was doing very well in maths
2) You can be anything you want to be.
I'm surethat You can be anything you want to be
3) My favourite sport is basketball.
Roger saidthat his favourite sport was basketball
4) It'll rain overnight.
When I was little my father told methat It would rain overnight
5) People in Brazil use the internet more than anyone.
On the weather forecast last night they said..that People in Brazil used the internet more than anyone
6) Trainers are still in fashion today.
600 years ago people thought..that ...Trainers were still in fashion that day
7) The new hospital will be built in 5 years.
She sent me a letter sayingthat The new hospital would be built in 5 years
8) You are not allowed to touch the computer.
The press report saidwe were not allowed to touch the computer..
9) I hate cooking abd cleaning. They are boring.
Tell your brother thatI hate cooking abd cleaning because they are boring
10) Pollution is dangerous for health.
Dan told methat Pollution was dangerous for health
11) London is the capital of Great Britain.
She saidthat London was the capital of Great Britain..