Что мне купить? Купи говорящий будильник. Зачем? Он нужен для того чтобы ты просыпался и знал, зачем тебе так рано вставать? Голос лучше мелодии. Под мелодию можно наоборот, уснуть. А голос не дает тебе уснуть. И с таким будильником тебе будет легче просыпаться. Хорошо, я куплю говорящий будильник! НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ :What should I buy? Buy talking alarm clock. What for? It is necessary for you to wake up and know what you get up so early? Voice better tunes. Under the melody can be contrary to sleep. A voice does not allow you to sleep. And with such an alarm clock to wake up it will be easier. Okay, I'll buy a talking alarm clock!
Только 12 1) A inflateble boat is the best water transprt to fish. 2) I adore travelling down a river on canoe. 3) I travell on the ship every sunmer because I like sea. 4) I would like to have a yacht but it is very expensive. 5) I reckon that jet ski is very dangereous but i like it very much. 6) My father is he capitan of cargo ship. 7) I like sailing & do it every summer holidays. 8) I think that catamaran is the best water transport. 9) I find the air transport very dangereous that is why I am going to travell by cruise ship this summer. 10) Japanese ships are the best in the world. 11) The company have bought 20 steamships for the future success work. 12) Water transport is very good way to reach the island