The main advantage of the Internet is that we can find out what we did not know, find the necessary information on time and accurately. With the help of the Internet, you can accurately find the answer to your question of interest.
Тhe downside is that many people use it incorrectly. There are people who use the Internet with bad intentions - to call a person to do something bad. And many more become lazy because of the Internet, because, as I said above, you can find the answer to your question of interest without even getting out of bed. In my opinion, and this is not correct, but at least as anyone. it's my opinion.
Яне знаю перевода на украинский, поэтому на : у мика короткие волосы, он блондин. он одет в красную футболку, голубые джинсы и обут в белые туфли.он ест банан. нина блондинка с длинными волосами. она одета в белую футболку, голубые джинсы и красные туфли. у неё есть розовый кролик. у джейн короткие коричневые волосы. она одета в голубое платье и голубые туфли. она ест яблоко. у глен короткие черные волосы.он одет в желтый свитер зеленые брюки и черные туфли. у него есть скейтборд. читается это так: мик хаз гот шот блонд хэе. хи из вэеринг э рэд тишёрт,блу джинс энд вайт шус. хи из итинг э банана. нина хаз гот лонг блонд хэе. ши из вэеринг э вайт тишёр, блу джинс энд рэд шус. ши из гот э пинк рэббит. дженни хэз гот шорт броун хэе. ши из вэеринг э блу дрес энд блу шус. ши из итинг эпл. глен хэз гот шёт блэк хэе. хи из вэеринг э елоу свэтэ, грин троузерс энд блэк шус. хи из гот э скейтбод
Well, that's not easy to survive in jungle. at first, call lufwaffe to help you in a hard situation. you also need to have fireplace-you could cook some fresh beef anuses. take medcine with you. you must to cure your wounds, right? don't forget about food and clean water. the best food you can take with you is a canned poop, canned bowels of somebodys grandpa. no human can survive without this things. if you could sleep in a jungle, take your gay-friend with you. it will tickle your dick. oh, right! don't let the snakes bite your buttex and everything would probably be fine.
everything on earth has its pros and cons.
The main advantage of the Internet is that we can find out what we did not know, find the necessary information on time and accurately. With the help of the Internet, you can accurately find the answer to your question of interest.
Тhe downside is that many people use it incorrectly. There are people who use the Internet with bad intentions - to call a person to do something bad. And many more become lazy because of the Internet, because, as I said above, you can find the answer to your question of interest without even getting out of bed. In my opinion, and this is not correct, but at least as anyone. it's my opinion.