ответ: My name is Petya. When I was young I was at a rock concert dedicated to the Beatles. So that's why I wanted to tell you about it, because a terrible incident happened on it. One of the group's soloists ended up in intensive care with severe pelvic and head injuries. Unfortunately he died. The police investigated this daunting case soon after two years of waiting. The rest of the band mourned him, and soon the last album of what was left of him would be recorded in memory of him. This situation teaches us that we need to live like the last day, and you never know when you will have it.
For the hare is characterized by a change of color of the seasons: winter hare pure white except for black tips of the ears; stain summer fur in different parts of the area - from reddish-gray to slate gray with brown struychatostyu. The head is usually painted slightly darker than the back, sides lighter, belly white. Only in areas where snow cover is not stable, rabbits do not turn white in the winter. Females hare on average are larger than males, color is different. Paws at the hare, and larger feet, especially in winter, because of the thick fur on them, get much wider. With this rabbit fur is easier to run in the snow: he runs like snowshoeing, and falls. Warm and soft perinki hares are constantly with him - on his stomach have hair thicker than elsewhere.
My name is [Своё имя]. I'm [свой возвраст] years old. I have a best friend [Имя друга]. She was [Возвраст друга] years old. We've been friends with [Имя друга] [Сколько лет дружите с другом] years. I'm friends with [Имя друга], because she is cheerful, kind, and very smart. My mother's name is [Имя мамы], she was [Возвраст мамы] years old, and my dad called him [Имя папы] [Возвраст папы] years. My mother works as a [Профессия мамы], and my father works as a [Профессия папы] Меня зовут [Своё имя]. Я [свой возраст] лет. У меня есть лучший друг [Имя друга]. Она была [Возвраст друга] лет. Мы дружим с [Имя друга] [Сколько лет дружите с другом] лет. Я дружу с [Имя друга], потому что она веселая, добрая, и очень умный. Имя моей матери [Имя мамы], она была [Возвраст мамы] лет, и мой папа назвал его [Возвраст папы] [лет папы Имя]. Моя мать работает как [Профессия мамы], и мой отец работает в качестве [профессия папы]
ответ: My name is Petya. When I was young I was at a rock concert dedicated to the Beatles. So that's why I wanted to tell you about it, because a terrible incident happened on it. One of the group's soloists ended up in intensive care with severe pelvic and head injuries. Unfortunately he died. The police investigated this daunting case soon after two years of waiting. The rest of the band mourned him, and soon the last album of what was left of him would be recorded in memory of him. This situation teaches us that we need to live like the last day, and you never know when you will have it.