1)Do you like ice cream ?
Do you like tea?
Do you like coffee ?
Do you like summer?
Do you want to play?
Do you want to sing ?
Do you know how old is she ?
Do you want to dance ?
Do you like to listen music ?
Do you know me ?
2) Does she like banana?
Does he know her name?
Does he want dance ?
Does she like to play basketball ?
Does she know how old is he ?
Does she like watermelon?
Does he want to play football ?
Does he want to go school ?
Does she reading books?
Does he want to listen music ?
3)He didn't like to play football
She didn't play basketball
I didn't sing a song
You didn't be there
We didn't want go to school
They didn't like ice cream
You didn't want watermelon
He didn't want to call her
She didn't like him
I didn't like to read books
4)She doesn't dance
She doesn't play
He doesn't sing
She doesn't think about him
He doesn't like to play basketball
She doesn't like to play football
She doesn't want to eat apple
He doesn't play football
She doesn't want to go school
She doesn't like this dog
1. Head+ache= headache [ˈhedeɪk]- головная боль
2. Basket+ball=basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]-баскетбол
3. Ice+cream= icecream [ˈaɪskriːm]- мороженое
4. dish+washer=dishwasher [ˈdɪʃwɒʃə]- посудомоечная машина
5. Fire+man= fireman [ˈfaɪəmən]- пожарный
6. foot+hill= foothill [ˈfʊthɪl]- предгорье
7. Glass+door= glass door [glɑːs dɔː]- стеклянная дверь
8. Head+quarters= headquarters [ˈhedkwɔːtəz]- штаб-квартира
9. Ice+box= icebox [ˈaɪsbɒks]- холодильник
10. pick+axe= pickaxe [pɪkæks]- кирка
11. Place+ment= placement [ˈpleɪsmənt]= размещение
12. Pocket+book= pocketbook [ˈpɒkɪtbʊk]- бумажник
13. Pool+room= poolroom [ˈpuːlrum]- бильярдная
14. Sun+rise= sunrise [ˈsʌnraɪz]- восход солнца
15. Swimming+pool= swimming pool [ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl]- плавательный бассейн
16. Washer+woman= washerwoman [ˈwɒʃəwʊmən]- прачка
The boys are making noise now
Are the boys making noise now?
He is going to the cinema
Where is he going to the cinema?
You're singing very well
Who is singing very well?
The horses are running very fast
How are horses are running?
The bird is flying in the sky
Where is the bird flying?