You can see the light in Denis's windows, You are sure that he is at home and you say,
a) He must be at home.
6) He can be at home.
B) He may be at home.
r) He might be at home.
John is a world popular name. These people are very famous
for singing but one is not. Which of these Johns is not a singer?
a) John Lennon;
6) John Bon Jovi;
B) Elton John;
r) Johnny Depp.
World tourism is getting bigger and bigger. The popularity of tourism
means that: hundreds of new hotels every year.
a) are builded;
6) has been built;
B) are built;
r) have builded.
When you prepared a report about street food you gave a lot of
examples. All these words and phrases are good for giving examples
but one: - Most people like street food ... pizza, hot-dogs and burgers,
Which one?
a) such as;
6) although;
B) like;
r) for instance.
You are asking your teacher about his school years.
Choose the grammatically best question for it:
a) When do you start learning English?
6) When have you started learning English?
B) When would you start learning English?
r) When did you start learning English?
In those days people usually built houses of wood. Sometimes there were fires in the city, but they were usually very small. 1666 was the year of the Great Fire of London. It started in the house of the king's baker. The fire burnt until Thursday. Many houses in London were burnt. The fire burnt for four days. More than 250 thousand people didn't have home any more.