Текст: various natural disasters often occur in our nature. For example: Earthquake, fire, tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc. During an earthquake, the earth changes its location. Earthquakes occur due to earthquakes at sea or in the ocean. But in some cases people are to blame for example, in a fire. A volcano erupts when a lot of energy builds up inside the earth.
Перевод: различные стихийные бедствия часто происходят в нашей природе. Например: землетрясение, пожар, цунами, извержение вулкана и т. Д. Во время землетрясения Земля меняет свое местоположение. Землетрясения происходят из-за землетрясений в море или в океане. Но в некоторых случаях люди виноваты, например, в пожаре. Вулкан извергается, когда в земле накапливается много энергии.
Roberto: Excuse me, Miss Baker, can I ask you a question?
Miss Baker: Of course you can, Roberto.
Roberto: How do you spell "pizza" in English
Miss Baker: Ahmed. Can you help?
Ahmed: Sorry. I dont know.
Miss Baker : Can anyone help Roberto? Put your hands up if you know the answer. Yes, Kim.
Kim: It's easy. It's "pizza".
Roberto : How do you spell that?
Kim : P-I-Z-Z-A; it's the same as in Italian.
Roberto: Ok, let me write that in my notebook. Is this your pen? Can I borrow it?
Kim: No, that's your pen. You don't need to ask.
Have you ever been in America?