1. Does your sister have many friends? No, my sister doesn't have many friends.
2. Are these cups green? No, they're not green, they're blue.
3. Does your friend have a blue car? No, he doesn't have a blue car, he has a yellow car.
4. Are these books interesting? No, they're not interesting. Are those books interesting? Yes, those books are interesting.
5. What kind of dog do they have? - They have a big white dog.
6. Do they have a cat? No, they don't have a cat.
7. This dog is not small, this dog is big.
8. Does your son have many toys? No, he doesn't have many toys.
9. Is that house tall? No, that house is not tall.
10. Those houses are tall.
11. We have a lot of tall houses in the city.
12. Do you have tall houses in the city? No, we don't have tall houses in the city.
Yes, she has a new car. Yes, this is a red pen. No, I haven't got a cat. Yes, I have many friends. No, this isn't red pen. No, those houses aren't white.Эта фраза построена в сослагательном наклонении настоящего времени. Present Subjunctive употребляется для выражения (и подчёркивания) настоятельности, важности, желательности, требования, приказа, предложения
Present Subjunctive употребляется после подобных выражений с обезличенным «It»: It is required, it is important, it is necessary и т.п. А также в придаточных предложениях, дополняющих такие глаголы, как to order, to command, to suggest, to agree to decide.
Present Subjunctive употребляется в основном в официальной устной и письменной речи, чаще в американском английском, чем в британском английском. Форма Present Subjunctive – это базовая форма глагола (без частицы "to") для всех лиц: I be, he be, she be, it be, we be, you be, they be; I go, he go, she go, it go, we go, you go, they go.
It is necessary that he do it immediately.
It is required that everything be ready by three o'clock.
It is important that she take this medicine every six hours.
We decided that another plan be prepared.
1) Bald
2) round
3) knitting
4) beard
5) uniform
6) for
7) on
8) of
9) with
10) up
11) how
12) who
13) that
14) when
15) where
(вот с этим вот не уверен)
16) a pretty intelligent German scientist
17) an eldelry talented Italian artist
18) a famous Russian well-built boxer
19) a nice English old lady
20) an interesting young Japanese singer
21) boring
22) scared
23) interesting
24) excited
25) shocked
26) back
27) away
28) up
1) все слова кроме bald говорят о возрасте
2) все слова кроме round относятся к прилагательным для описания волос
3) knitting – вязание – не относится к прилагательным для описания человека
4) все слова кроме beard могут описать человека в одно слово
5) все слова кроме uniform говорят о профессиях