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30.04.2021 17:53 •  Английский язык

Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный залог: 1.Образец: I did my homework yesterday – My homework was done yesterday by me. 2. Greg played a very interesting game last Monday. 3. He found some money on the shelf. 4. They bought a nice house in the mountains. 5. The famous director produced this moving film. 6. Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel "War and Peace". 7. He admired this picture very much. 8. My father built a new garage.9. Alice put the bag into the wardrobe. 10. Jason learnt the poem by heart.

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It's no secret that the education systems in Russia and England are different.

To evaluate any education system, you need to study it in detail.

Schooling in England includes two modules:

Initial (PrimarySchool) - for children aged 4 to 11 years (up to 7 years - at the school for kids –NurserySchool, and from 7 to 11 years - at the junior school-JuniorSchool).

Secondary School - for children from 11 to 16 years old. Classes in elementary school are held in a very soft playful way without any attempts to fit everyone under one common level.

The final two years of English high school are a transitional link between high school and high school. Students are divided into departments. The traditional ones are humanitarian and naturally mathematical.

Those wishing to enter the university are offered a two-year course of A-levels. The certificate of graduation from vocational education institutions is recognized throughout the country by both employers and higher education institutions, and subsequently allows continuing studies at the university.

The following schools are distinguished in Russia:

Primary school is the first stage of general education in children. Getting elementary education, children acquire the first knowledge about the world, skills in communication and solving applied problems. At this stage, the personality of the child is formed and begins to develop, which emphasizes its importance for society and the state.

For five years, from the 5th to the 9th grade, students go to primary school. The main course of the secondary school provides basic knowledge in the main areas of science.

The last two years of study are the completion of secondary education. The main purpose of the senior classes in preparation for entering a university. Upon completion of training, students pass the Unified State Exam (USE). Completed the last stage of training receives a "Certificate of secondary education" - a document confirming the acquisition of knowledge in the amount of the state standard.

In Russia, vocational education is also considered secondary (specialized secondary), although abroad it may relate to higher education.

The British receive higher education in three types of universities: universities, university colleges and colleges of higher education.

With the introduction of the exam, the scheme of admission to universities in Russia has become closer to the British. In Russia, higher education primarily involves obtaining a specialty, and in England obtaining a scientific or doctoral degree.

As for technical specialities, as Russian students studying at British universities say, “the learning process is no different from ours: the same control, term papers, exams.” But "in Britain, the material and technical base is large, much larger than in Russia." “I do not agree with the young people scolding our education. We have a better technical education. It’s better to study in Russia and to study in British universities because there are the material and technical base. ”


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Benefits of online learning

Education is available to everyone regardless of age or health status.

The student can plan the place and time of the lesson, adjust the online training for their employment.

The webinars provide an opportunity to communicate directly. There is feedback from the teacher to the students.

The lesson can be recorded on a computer.

Significant time savings is an undeniable advantage of online learning. There is no need to spend time on the road, on traffic jams and on attending face-to-face lectures.

Disadvantages of online training

Tough self-discipline. Often have to just force yourself to learn. After all, the success of the process depends on the learning outcome.

Without motivation from the outside it is very difficult to regularly study and understand scientific concepts.

There are difficulties with the perception of new printed information. There is no practice and detailed explanations.

Not everyone who wants to learn has the possibility of high-speed and reliable Internet access.

Features of online learning

Thus, assessing all the pros and cons of online learning, and focusing on the fact that the shortcomings can be eliminated, it should be concluded that such education is very convenient for busy people and more modern in our time.

The popularity of this form of education is characterized by several reasons. When a student chooses a short-term training program for advanced training, it is necessary to be in the classroom with a strict schedule, listen to already known materials and lectures, which is inconvenient. When learning remotely such problems do not arise.

Any student himself determines the schedule of classes, and communicates with teachers via the Internet and e-mail.

To implement this method of learning is necessary, mainly, a constant connection to the Internet. Later, when you access the website of the University, all students open a personal page. This page contains the tasks necessary for the implementation, the results of the implementation and recommendations of the teaching staff. Completed tasks the student sends via e-mail. Students can also find all the necessary books, lectures and manuals on the website. Typically, this system of training is suitable for those who wish to have another higher education, retrain or improve their professional knowledge. For people who do not have enough free time to attend classes in the classroom, it will be especially convenient.

How difficult the training will be depends on some factors: the student, the level and quality of knowledge, the specialty. The more knowledge already available, the easier the new material will be given. Online training program is selected for each individual, which makes it possible to reduce the period of training. And yet, such education is not suitable for everyone.

First, there are difficulties in understanding the printed information. Secondly, there is no detailed explanation. Third, there is no practice and self-discipline. It is quite difficult to learn new and unfamiliar material on your own. This should be done regularly, and, as a rule, it is not easy to force yourself to understand what you do not understand. But if this problem can be solved, then online training is an ideal option for a busy person.

There is another kind of online learning-webinars. These are interactive seminars that are held live. Its essence lies in the fact that the specialists of a particular region prepare topics and perform in front of an online audience. To get to the webinars, you need to apply, pay for these services and be at the computer connected to the Internet.

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