I often play tennis with my dad.I tidy my room every week. I never watch TV. Tonight,I'm going to the party with my friends. I'm getting up early in this morning. Tommorow,I'm flying to New York.
What are you doing ? Do you want to eat something? Is this girl coming tonight?
Captain Hook is a formidable and cunning villain. Captain Hook wears a red frock coat, red pants, and black shoes. And on his head is a wide hat. Instead of a right hand, he has an iron hook, which he leads his team. The captain's skin is pale, has thick black hair, curled in curls that fall over his shoulders, and his eyes are blue.
Капитан Крюк - грозный и хитрый злодей. Капитан Крюк носит красный сюртук, красные штаны и чёрные туфли. А на голове его широкая шляпа. Вместо правой руки у него железный крюк, которым он руководит своей командой. Кожа капитана бледная, имеет густые чёрные волосы, завитые в локоны, спадающие на плечи, а глаза его голубого цвета.
Present Simple:
The postman brings us newspaper in the morning. He lives in Moscow. I don't speak French well. I don't understand this sentence. Does your wife arrive on Monday? The steamer sails tomorrow.
Present Continuous:
He is reading a book. She is typing a letter. They are going to the theatre tonight. He is taking his examination on Friday. She is leaving by the five o'clock train. The telephone is ringing.
1)Ей не нравится баскетбол? - She doesn’t like basketball?
2)Как часто ты путешествуешь? - How often do you travel?
3)Она ходит в школу? - Does she go to school?