3 Write questions for the answers using the words in brackets. Ron What are you watching? (what / you / watch) Emi I'm watching those otters. Look! Ron |_? (where / those otters / swim to) Emi They're swimming to the river bank. Ron ?-? (why / do / that) Emi Because there are eagles in the sky. Ron ? (what / that otter / do) Emi She's protecting her baby. Ron 4__? (who / watch / the otters) Emi They're scientists. Ron 5_? (why / watch / the otters) Emi Because they're counting them. Ron 6__? (where / that scientist / go) Emi I don't know. Be quiet!
Most of all I like English. I've always thought that knowing foreign languages is something really amazing. What about English, you are likely to understand almost everyone, as this language is considered to be international. I like to translate extra texts at home, speak to our teacher on the lessons, etc. Most of all I like dialogues and role plays. I also like our IT lessons. On these lessons we learn how to manage with computers: type anything, draw in Paint and make presentations on different topics. I'm looking forward to trying computer programming. It's known to be hard for newbies, but I'm going to do my best
Most of all I like English. I've always thought that knowing foreign languages is something really amazing. What about English, you are likely to understand almost everyone, as this language is considered to be international. I like to translate extra texts at home, speak to our teacher on the lessons, etc. Most of all I like dialogues and role plays. I also like our IT lessons. On these lessons we learn how to manage with computers: type anything, draw in Paint and make presentations on different topics. I'm looking forward to trying computer programming. It's known to be hard for newbies, but I'm going to do my best