1) CITY NAME (например, Moscow) has a lot of showplaces. - (Москва) имеет множество достопримечательностей собор) – это самое старое здание в моем городе. Оно было построено в (1425) году.3) THE NAME OF THE MONUMENT (Monument of Peter I) is the tallest monument in CITY NAME (Moscow). Its height is (98) meters - (Памятник Петру I) является самым высоким памятником в (Москве). Его высота составляет чч (98) метров.4) NAME OF SHOWPLACE (Kremlin) is the finest showplace of CITY NAME (Moscow). – (Кремль) – лучшая достопримечательность (Москвы). Удачи в учёбе!
Spring is the season after winter and before summer. Days become longer and weather gets warmer in the temperate zone because the Earth tilts towards the Sun. In many parts of the world plants grow and flowers bloom. Often people with hay fever suffer more, because of the allergens. Many animals have their breeding seasons in spring. In many parts of the world it rains for hours. This helps the plants grow and the flowers bloom. At the start of spring, people suffering from seasonal affective disorder will feel better. Hay fever, however, often becomes worse. Spring break is a vacation period in early spring at universities and schools in various countries in the world. Holidays celebrated in spring include Passover and Easter.
Началось в 1591, если что, закончилось в 1593