Переведите предложение, используя данные фразы. 1.Она сейчас на пике своей карьеры. Она руководит командой из 200 человек. 2.Я устраиваюсь на работу в бюро переводов. 3.Эта работа, которая требует много знаний, умений и сил. Тем не менее, ей нравится своя работа. 4.Сейчас мы работаем над дизайном нового стадиона. 5.Он делает блистательную карьеру в шоу бизнесе. 6. Этот скандал может разрушить всю твою карьеру, которая началась так успешно. 7.Вы готовы приступить к работе в этом году? – Я пока в декрете, но готова работать неполный рабочий день. 8. Мы с коллегами завершаем работу над новым проектом. 9. Кто руководит Вашей работой? 10.У неё постоянная работа в местном театре. 11.Она довольна и не хочет строить себе многообещающую и успешную карьеру.С какими зарубежными компаниями Вы тесно сотрудничаете?
Фразы: A fulfilling job; A demanding job; A steady job; To apply for a job; A permanent job; To offer someone a job; To have a job; To carry out work; To complete work; Available to start work; A promising career; At the peak of your career; To ruin someone's career; To supervise work; To work closely with; To have a career in (...); A brilliant career; A career takes of; To make a career;
2. When I came into the kitchen, I saw that my mother was standing at the table and cutting some cabbage. She was cooking dinner.
3. They went to the Hermitage last week.
4. They have been to the Hermitage twice this week.
5. Yesterday afternoon he came home, had dinner, read an article from the latest magazine and began doing his homework.
6. When did your friend return from the south? - She returnedyesterday. - Did you go to the station to meet her? - No, I didn't . I was too busy.
7. Have your brother returned from the north? - Yes, he came a few days ago.
8. Have you ever been to the Crimea? When were you there? - I was there in 2005. 9. Where is your brother? - He has just come home. He is taking a shower in the bathroom now.
10. As soon as Isee him, I understand that he works hard. He was writing something and didn't notice anything.
11. When I came home yesterday, the children were running and singing merrily. «We have learnt a new song!» they cried.
12. It was raining hard when I left home yesterday, so I returned, put on my raincoat and started again.
13. Are you working right now? - Yes, I am preparing for the English exams.
14. A world-famous violinist is playing at tonight's concert.
15. The children were playing with their train set the whole evening yesterday.