Maths Fractions 5 1 Read the definition. Match the pictures with the fractions. A fraction is part of a whole or complete number 17 3%, помагите по Англискому 1 2 3 задания
1) Tigers have massive head and a muscular body. Their usual coloration is reddish-orange with vertical black stripes. Their walk is very graceful. 2) Bears have stocky legs and a large body, their heavy build makes them very strong. These animals are solitary, they are considered to be asocial. Bears are excellent runners, swimmers and climbers, though they have very large bodies. 3) Dolphins are mammals which live in the sea and oceans, they eat fish and squids. They have a fusiform body, a tail fin and pectoral fins. They breathe through the blowhole on the top of their head. They have a quick healing process.
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