My summer was very amazing and impressive. I spent the summer with my family and my friends. I visited a nice country Abkhazia and rested on the sea . Every day I swam, walked along the Black Sea coast and admired the beautiful sunsets at the end of the day. I saw several sights of this country and visited beautiful places with my parents. Part of summer I spent with my dear friends, we went for a walk around our city and had fun. I visited parks of my city, there are beautiful lawns and newly painted benches which were liked me due its smell. I spent more time on the street than at home. And I think, it made my summer better than the previous one. I really like my summer holiday s.
When the summer holidays came, I was very happy! The weather was good, so my friends and I went for a walk every day. It was fun!
Then I spent a month in the village where my grandmother was. I ate a lot of delicious food that my grandmother cooked for me. I have a lot of friends in this village because I go there every vacation. We even played volleyball ! Near the forest flows a small river. We went swimming and sunbathing in good weather. I HAD A LOT OF FUN ON SUMMER VACATION !
Когда наступили летние каникулы, я была очень счастлива! Погода была хорошая, поэтому мы с друзьями ходили гулять каждый день. Было весело!
Потом я провел месяц в деревне, где была моя бабушка. Я съела много вкусной еды, которую приготовила для меня бабушка. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. Мы даже играли в волейбол ! Рядом с лесом протекает небольшая речка. Мы ходили купаться и загорать в хорошую погоду. МНЕ БЫЛО ОЧЕНЬ ВЕСЕЛО НА ЛЕТНИХ КАНИКУЛАХ !
2. She is started retraining as a plumber.
2. 1. Kevin worked as a supervisor in a electronics factory
2. He is at home to look after their three young children
3. 1. Lorna worked as a solicitor, and Ian worked as an accountant
2. They are to run a small hotel