ответ:1. be (am /is) was 11. lose lost
2. break broke 12. make made
3. come came 13. meet met
4. do did 14. pay paid
5. drink drank 15. run ran
6. drive drove 16. see saw
7. eat aet. 17. sell sold
8. get got 18. sit sat
9. give gave . 19. take took
10. go went 20. cut cut
1. An operator did not the machines’ safety guards.
2. On 3 January 1999 the team did its trip to Mars, they used imperial
measurements and the other metrics.
3.The employee went home after the accident but he come back to work
on 10 June.
4. A typical printed circuit boarc had dozen individual components.
5.The electrical equipment controlls the starting of the engine.
6. Safety engineering was the most rapidly growing field.
7.Tupolev’s TU-144 supersonic jet liner began its commercial passenger flights
in 1977.
8. Ergonomics continued its work in solving such problems as safety of nuclear
reactors, operators’ errors and malfunctioning equipment.
9. She will work with this experiment next year.
10. At present he worked on improving of this mechanism.
1) j. 8) n
2) h. 9) d
3) e. 10) m
4) l. 11) i
5) k. 12) g
6) a. 13) c
7) b. 14) f
You did not went to the Theatre...
Mum did not make a breakfast
Your grandparents did not came
The cat did not eat
Dad did not drive
HIS little Sister did not break
Your dad did not cut
This watch did not cost
They Were not in the classroom
IT was not frosty
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