how to dress to a school party
school parties can be organized to celebrate various occasions, but if you are a girl, it is always a bad idea to wear jeans and a t-shirt to a school party.
girls usually wear dresses and some accessories, such as bracelets, rings, necklaces or earrings. a dress shouldn't be too long or too short. long dresses make it difficult to dance and short dresses can be embarrassing to wear. it is also important to wear comfortable shoes. heels look nice but they can give you blisters.
as for boys, they can wear jeans and shirts if their jeans look good enough. a pair of trousers and a collared shirt that fit well will look even better.
the most importnat thing is that at the party you should feel comfortable and confident. don't wear clothes that are too formal or too casual.
i would like to tell about my favourite restaurant which is called trattoria formaggi. this italian cuisine restaurant is located in one of the central streets. it is a very cosy place with a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. in front of the entrance there is a summer terrace where guests can enjoy a light business lunch or a cup of delicious italian coffee.
the air-conditioned spacious dining room is elegantly decorated in warm tones. quiet music is played in the background. the waiting staff will be happy to give all the information about new and specialty dishes.
mainly there are italian dishes on the menu. guests can order fresh pizza, delicious pasta as well as excellent meat and fish specialties. a wide range of salads and snacks is also served here. after a lunch or dinner, you will be offered to try one of the wonderful desserts. the meal can be accompanied by alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails or other refreshments.
я бы хотел рассказать о своем любимом ресторане trattoriaformaggi. этот ресторан итальянской кухни находится на одной из центральных улиц. это уютное место с тихой и спокойной атмосферой. перед входом в ресторан расположена летняя терраса, на которой можно отведать легкий бизнес-ланч или выпить чашку вкусного итальянского кофе.
просторный зал, оснащенный кондиционером, изысканно оформлен в теплых тонах. в зале звучит тихая музыка. обслуживающий персонал предоставит полную информацию о новинках меню и фирменных блюдах.
в меню в основном представлены блюда итальянской кухни. здесь можно заказать свежую пиццу, вкусную пасту, а также великолепные мясные и рыбные блюда. в меню представлен широкий выбор салатов и закусок. после обеда или ужина вам предложат попробовать великолепный десерт. к столу алкогольные и безалкогольные коктейли, а также другие освежающие напитки.
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