When I was in Kazakhstan, I used such kinds of transports such as trolleybuses and buses. Buses are not as environmentally friendly as trolleybuses and trams, but they are faster. I also used the subway and rode the escalator. I saw many beautiful places,I really like it!
Радиостанции развлекают студентов,играя все последние треки хит-парада.Они так же рассматривают ленты,фильмы и новые диски среди других вещей.На более серьезной ноте ,радиостанция сообщает студентам все новости на территории кампуса и в районе.Радиостанции нужно несколько человек,чтобы работать без перебоев.Во-первых,есть диджей,который начинает шоу и включает музыку.Существует журналист,который сначала пишет,а потом читает новости.Техник или инженер всегда рядом в случае если техника ломается.Наконец производитель организовывает все шоу.Работа на радио хороша для участвующих студентов.Они получают полезный практический опыт,который может им найти работу в будущем.
The radio stations entertain the students by playing all the latest chart hits, review bands, films and new CDs. Also, the radio station informs the students about all the news on campus and in the local area. A radio station needs several people to run smoothly. Firstly, there's a DJ who presents the show and plays the music. There is a journalist who writes and then reads the news. An engineer is always nearby in case the equipment breaks down. The producer who organises everything and controls the show. Working for the radio station is good for the students. They gain useful practical experience that may help them find a job in the future.
When I was in Kazakhstan, I used such kinds of transports such as trolleybuses and buses. Buses are not as environmentally friendly as trolleybuses and trams, but they are faster. I also used the subway and rode the escalator. I saw many beautiful places,I really like it!