Read the text “Circle of friends”. Are the following statements true or false TRUE FALSE
Sally have seven close friends. Sally and her friends went to the same kindergarten. Sally and her friends study in the same cities. The name of drawing competiton is "Best Image". Sally and her friends have been friends for 10 years.
I want to speak about the people who lived in ancient civilizations. These people lived billions of years ago. They often lived in the southern countries. For example, the countries of Africa. These people were small. They had hairy body, broad forehead and curly dark hair.
Lifestyle of these people is survival.They made tools themselves. Men hunted and fished. They combined and caught a huge beast. Women looked a useful grass and fruit of trees.
These people were smart. They made houses, prepared food, refuged from the bad weather. This is a good experience for modern people.
Я не очень поняла. но может так: Здравствуйте! Здравствуйте! Что будите заказывать? Можно мне что этот человек будет заказывать) Хорошо, скоро будет. (они поели) Можно мне счёт Хорошо. (принёс счёт) (человек рассщитался) было очень вкусно! До свиданья! До свидания! Если на английском то так: Hello! Hello! What'll order? Can I please ... (that person to be ordered separately) Well, soon will be. (they ate) Thank you! Can I bill please! All right. (brought the bill) (man rassschitalsya) Thanks, it was delicious! Goodbye! Please! Goodbye!