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Global warming is an indisputable fact, the consequences of which are natural changes, as well as anthropological, that is, those relating to human activity. Natural climate change is sufficiently long-lasting to spot it even for centuries.
Today, few of the scientists involved in this problem deny the fact that human activity leads to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the beginning of the last century through the industrial revolution is constantly increasing. Through human activity, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorine-containing substances, which are produced in much less quantities than carbon dioxide, but are more dangerous from the point of view of global warming, enter the atmosphere.
The global warming itself is the slow growth of the average annual temperature in the upper atmosphere. Many are confused with global warming, with the so-called "greenhouse effect", however, there is a rather strong difference between them. The greenhouse effect is also an increase in temperature, but it occurs as a result of an increase in the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor create something like a film that does not hold off the sun's rays, but at the same time does not allow leaving the Earth's accumulated warm atmosphere.
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