The village Sentob is between the Nurata Mountains and the Kyzylkum (1) desert. Local (2) people grow (3) vegetables to cook a meal. Each family has a few cows, sheep, goats and chickens and have eggs, milk, meat and wool. In the (4) village Sentob there are three houses for travellers: "Muhlima", "Rakhima" and "Maysara". The first visitors here were in 2007. Tourists can help local people in everyday (5) life. They can make (6) bread in tandyr, see a wedding, holidays and watch the traditional competition on horses Kupkary during the game season. The most (7) popular tourist activities are hiking, bird watching, (8) taking photos, ecological walking and others. Moreover, you can just sit on tapchan with your friends and have a rest, drinking (9) tea and enjoying birds' singing. 30 km to the north there is the Aydarkul Lake, where you can (10) fish and swim.
2. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
3. There isn't much furniture in the flat.
4. Will you give them another magazine to look throught?
В третьем можно и "little", и "much" применить, только в первом случае получится "в квартире немало мебели", а во втором "в квартире немного мебели". Но и то, и другое будет грамматически правильно, потому что furniture — неисчисляемое существительное, поэтому с ним может использоваться и little, и much, но не может использовать few или many.