I would like to tell about storks.
The stork is a large, long-legged, long-necked bird with a long red or orange bill. Most storks live in warm tropical areas in Florida (the USA), South America, Africa, India and Asia. A few storks live in cold areas and migrate south in the winter. Storks live in swamps and wetlands. They use their long bills to catch fish, frogs and other small animals.
In some countries, such as Russia and Germany, people believe storks bring good luck to a family when they nest on these people's roofs. There were days when people believed that storks could bring babies.
Storks cannot sing the way most birds can. They can hiss or screech. They also clatter their bills together.
1. Могу я задать вам вопрос?
Can I ask you a question?
2. Я не смогу прийти вовремя.
I won't be able to come in time.
[в будущем и настоящем временах вместо "manage" употребляется глагол "to be able to"]
3. Тед не смог прочесть слово.
Ted didn't manage to read that word.
4. Я не мог этому поверить.
I can't believe it.
5. Ребенок должен уметь кушать сам.
The child must be able to eat himself.
6. Она не может хорошо работать в последнее время.
She hasn't been able to work well lately.
7. Я смогу купить что-нибудь на ужин.
I will be able to buy something for dinner.
8. Она не умет ездить верхом.
She can't ride a horse.
9. Кто сможет ответить на вопрос?
Who will be able to answer this question?
10. Я никогда не могла с ним спорить.
I couldn't argue with him.
11. Как давно вы умеете плавать?
How long have you been able to swim?
12. Как вам удалось починить радио?
How did you manage to fix the radio?