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13.04.2020 04:15 •  Английский язык

Напишите аннотацию прочитанного текста объемом (не менее 100−120 слов или 5−6 предложений). Обратите внимание, что при аннотировании происходит сокращение малозначащих сведений, переработка содержания, композиции и языка оригинала, обобщение наиболее ценных данных и их фиксирование в конспективной форме. Для связности изложения используются специальные клише: The New York City Police The New York City Police, regarded as the outstanding city police organization in the United States of America, have a history which goes back to the time when the city was under the control of the Dutch. Probably, 1845 is the date which marks the commencement of a police force − the forerunner of the present organization. In that year the New York police were awarded an eight-pointed star badge of copper and the first Chief of Police was appointed. In the nineteenth century the control and administration of the New York City Police was vested in a board of five police commissioners who were civil administrators. The most famous of them was Theodore Roosevelt, who later became President of the United States. Since 1901 the New York City Police have been controlled by a single police commissioner. He is a civilian appointed by the Mayor of New York. The Chief of the New York City Police has some deputies. The first deputy commissioner acts as an adviser on the matters of policy and also acts for the commissioner during his absence or illness. There are five additional deputies controlling various important auxiliary departments: legal, licensing, public relations, administration and youth services. The Police of New York City is divided into a number of divisions comprising the Uniform or Patrol Division, the Safety Division, the Detective Division, Communications and Records and so on. The Detective Division, consisting of over 3,000 detectives, is a highly efficient organization. The members of the division are under the command of a Chief of Detectives. The traffic problem in New York is of the greatest magnitude and the Safety Division of the New York City Police is the largest uniformed command in the Force. Apart from the usual organization for traffic control in any major city of the USA, this division includes an Intoxicated Drivers Testing Unit for the purpose of obtaining scientific evidence in cases where drunken driving is alleged, and an Accident Investigation Squad which makes a complete investigation of the causes and responsibility in every accident in which a person dies or is seriously injured and likely to die. The Youth Division of the New York City Police does not only take police actions against known juvenile offenders but also prevents juvenile delinquency.


The New York City Police The New York City Police, regarded as the outstanding city police organization in the United States of America, have a history which goes back to the time when the city was under the control of the Dutch. Probably, 1845 is the date which marks the commencement of a police force − the forerunner of the present organization. In that year the New York police were awarded an eight-pointed star badge of copper and the first Chief of Police was appointed. In the nineteenth century the control and administration of the New York City Police was vested in a board of five police commissioners who were civil administrators. The most famous of them was Theodore Roosevelt, who later became President of the United States. Since 1901 the New York City Police have been controlled by a single police commissioner. He is a civilian appointed by the Mayor of New York. The Chief of the New York City Police has some deputies. The first deputy commissioner acts as an adviser on the matters of policy and also acts for the commissioner during his absence or illness. There are five additional deputies controlling various important auxiliary departments: legal, licensing, public relations, administration and youth services. The Police of New York City is divided into a number of divisions comprising the Uniform or Patrol Division, the Safety Division, the Detective Division, Communications and Records and so on. The Detective Division, consisting of over 3,000 detectives, is a highly efficient organization. The members of the division are under the command of a Chief of Detectives. The traffic problem in New York is of the greatest magnitude and the Safety Division of the New York City Police is the largest uniformed command in the Force. Apart from the usual organization for traffic control in any major city of the USA, this division includes an Intoxicated Drivers Testing Unit for the purpose of obtaining scientific evidence in cases where drunken driving is alleged, and an Accident Investigation Squad which makes a complete investigation of the causes and responsibility in every accident in which a person dies or is seriously injured and likely to die. The Youth Division of the New York City Police does not only take police actions against known juvenile offenders but also prevents juvenile delinquency.


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1) He is singing. Do you know the song? Поставили the т.к задаётся вопрос о какой то определённой песне, не о любой, а о той, которую он сейчас поёт.
2) I can sing well. I like English and Russian songs. Здесь я ничего не поставила..по моему здесь ничего не надо ставить, так и должно быть, нудевой артикль.
3) At the age of four David could read and write. В первом случае я поставила the  т.к нам известно время когда это происходило., в 4 года. А о втором случае я ничего не поставила, т.к перед именем артикль не ставится.
4) Did you go to scholl at the age of six? В первом случае я не поставила артикль, т.к привыкла слышать эту фразу без него, по моему так и должно быть, точно не знаю. Во втором случае та же схема. Нам известно время происходящего, в 6 лет.
5) There was an apple in the bag. Where is an apple? Поставила an т.к мы же не знаем какие яблоки лежат в сумке, не знаем. 
6) There was a pen on the desk.  Where is a pen? С ручкой тоже самое что и с яблоком. Мы не знаем какая ручка лежала на парте.
7) There is a long ruler on the teacher's table. That is the longest ruler we have. Тут определенный стол-учительский. И совершенная форма, а значит тут может быть the и только the. 
8) There is a cup on the table. Shall I wash a cup? Т.к неопределённая кружка
9) There are the carpets on the floor. Do you like the carpets?  Здесь мн.чл. поэтому никакого a/an  быть не должно. Только the
10) There is a picture on the wall. I drew the picture yersterday. 
4,4(13 оценок)
Ставится и во множественной числе тоже


Местоимения 'some/ any' используются для обозначения "неопределённого/ небольшого" количества предметов или вещества. Они являются определением к существительному и ставятся вместо артикля. 

Обычно "some" употребляется в утвердительных предложениях перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и перед не исчисляемыми существительными. Выполняя функцию определения к исчисляемому существительному во множественном числе "some" имеет значение "несколько/ некоторое количество" 

"Any" - обычно употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. 
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