Everyone should have a hobby
Hello there, It's me ( Your name ),so today our teacher give us an exercise write about our hobby, my hobby is not unusual, I just draw at my list, or onto the walls or at another places. I have got much friends which have got hobby too. For example - Mike, he's my best internet friend he has got another hobby, he always plays at computer and he sometimes play on the CS:GO Tournaments and do some money,
I think It's all for now...
What does about you? Do you have hobby?
Name Surname
He was finally given (1) a job (2) for which (3) he had been training half a year (4). Ошибка в 1 - артикль неверный (в предложении работа конкретизируется в придаточной части)
He was finally given the job for which he had been training half a year.
It is announced that (1) all flights to(2) Germany depart from (3) the terminal three.
Ошибка в 3 - артикль не нужен (если числительное стоит после существительного, артикль не используется)
It is announced that all flights to Germany depart from terminal three.
1 вариант верный