1. I play computer games everyday.
I don't play computer games everyday.
Do I play computer games everyday?
2. My friend swim in the pool every Sunday.
My friend doesn't swim in the pool every Saturday.
Does my friend swim in the pool every Saturday?
3. Water boilss at 100 C.
Water doesn't boil at 100 C.
Does water boil at 100 C?
4. Men like cars.
Men don't like cars.
Do men like cars?
5. That woman looks sad.
That woman doesn't look sad.
Does that woman look sad?
6. I like vegetables.
I don't like vegetables.
Do I like vegetables?
7. We eat junk food .
We don't eat junk food.
Do we eat junk food?
8. My parents visit me twice a yearю
My parents don't visit me twice a yearю
Do my parents visit me twice a year?
9. You cook in the kitchen.
You don't cook in the kitchen.
Do you cook in the kitchen?
10. She works everyday.
She doesn't work everyday.
Does she work everyday?
11. You enjoy reading.
You don't enjoy reading.
Do you enjoy reading?
Nature is all around us. We see it every day. It is a sunset, sunrise, birds singing, the flowers bloom, the wind, etc. These signs are an integral part of our lives. On the one hand we cherish these natural benefits, on the other hand, we not fully appreciate their importance. Thus, our future generations may be deprived of these beauties. They can be reached in less natural wonders, because the world gradually destroys forests and destroys some species. All this is due to the industrial revolution and growing number of chemical plants. Humans are the only species on the planet, deliberately manipulating the environment. Unfortunately, we have bad leaders in the hierarchy, if you can't raise the level of ecology. People are too selfish to notice the damage they cause to the environment. For millennia they lived in harmony with nature prior to the introduction of civilization. They could have unlimited access to natural wealth, and today we have to save on all resources. Pollution is another threat to the nature. Many cities today are mired in noise and atmospheric pollution that comes from cars and factories. That's why some people try to live in the countryside, where the air is much cleaner and fresher. Global industry emits about 1000 million tons of dust and harmful substances into the atmosphere. As a result, many rare species of animals and plants are dying, lakes are drying up, forests are disappearing. Obviously, our precious nature at risk. And if people do not take serious measures to rescue her, then our planet will soon become lethargic.
My favorite holiday is Менин ен жаксы демалысым ол жазасын
On this day I Бул кунде мен ойнадым типа сондай жазасын
On this holiday I eat Булкунде мен жедим Типа мороженое жедим дегендей
Together with my parents we Вместе с родителями мысмотрели телевизор играли дегендей
I like the holiday because it is Мен демалысты жаксы коремин ойткени
Точколарга озин соз коясын