1. What are the peculiarities of the Anglo-Saxon model of economy? The peculiarities of the Anglo-Saxon model of economy are liberalisation, the free market, and low taxation and regulation. 2. Why did the UK lose its economic advantage and what were the reasons of the heavy industry decline in the 20th century? The UK lost its economic advantage because other nations industrialised and surplus labour from agriculture began to dry up. As a result, heavy industry declined throughout the 20th century. 3. How many tourists visit the UK every year? Over 27 million tourists visit the UK every year . 4. What is the UK's population? 5. What are the British major manufacturing industries? The British major manufacturing industries are motor industry, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
Не уверен в правильности моих терминов, пишу как понимаю
1. Информацию в форме инструкций называют программой.
Information in the form of commands is called a program
2. Компьютеры используют, чтобы преобразовать данные в информацию.
Computers are used for transforming data into information
3. Вы выполните это задание к пятнице, не так ли?
This assignment will have been done by Friday, won’t it? (PASSIVE)
You will have done this assignment by Friday, won’t you? (ACTIVE)
4. Твой компьютер уже починили?
Has your computer been repaired yet? (OR fixed)
5. Когда были разработаны первые прикладные программы?
When were the first applied programs developed?