1. I like my school(Я люблю свою школу)
2. My school starts at 8:30(В моїй школі уроки розпочинаються о 8:30)
3.We eat in school canteen(Ми їмо у шкільній їдальні)
4.I study well at school(Я учусь в цій школі)
5.Our classroom is very pretty
6.My school is the best.(Моя школа найкраща
7.The school plays an important role in our life.(Школа вчить життю)
8.There is a big gym in our school. Our physical training lessons and different sport competitions are held there.(У нашій школі є великий спортивний зал. Там у нас проходять уроки фізкультури)
9.During summer holidays I miss my school.(Ідучи на канікули, я буду сумувати за школою)
10.I normally have six lessons and spend most part of my day at school.(Часто всього може бути шість уроків.Більше часу ми проводимо у школі.)
1. I wish you had told her about it last Sunday!
2. I wish we had holidays now.
3. Oh, I wish he came tonight!
4. We wished we had asked his advice.
5. I wish you hadn't refused to take part in the picnic.
6. I wish you were interested in this subject.
7. We wish you mentioned these facts.
8. I wish we hadn't missed the train.
9. I wish you had turned on TV earlier.
10. I wish I were free now!
11. I wish I had had more time yesterday.
12. I wish you wrote her about it yourself.
13. I wish you had paid attention to his warning.
14. He wished he hadn't left the university.
15. I wish it weren't too late to go there.
16. Oh, how I wish I had come/got to the railway station on time!
17. I wish you had read this wonderful book.
18. I wish she didn't make so many mistakes in her speech.
19. I wish you had attended the exhibition.
20. I wish I had learnt about it earlier.
21. I wish we had found Nick at home.
22. She wished she had told us this story before.