1. John and Richard have gone away. -Have J. and R. gone away? -Who has gone away? 2. She has already answered Jake's letter. -Has she answered J. letter yet? -Who has answered J. letter? 3. I have not seen him for three years. -Have you seen him? -Why haven't you seen him? 4. I have been here three times before. -Have you been here before? -How many times have you been here before? 5. Mike has already bought a new car. -Has M. bought a new car yet? -Who has bought a new car? 6. Jake hasn't come from the theater yet. -Has J. come from the theatre yet? -Why hasn't he come from the theatre yet? 7. The film has just begun. -Has the film begun? -What has begun? 8. They haven't been here since 1997. -Have they been here since 1997? -Who hasn't been here since 1997? 9. I've reserved a room in the hotel. -Have you reserved a room in the hotel? -Where have you reserved a room? 10. Jake has shown the visitors his town. -Has J.shown the visitors his town? -Whom has he shown his town?
1. Have John and Richard gone away? Who has gone away? 2. Has she already answered Jake's letter? Whose letter has she already answered? 3. Have you seen him for three years? How long have you not seen him? 4. Have you been here three times before? How many times have you been here before? 5. Has Mike already bought a new car? What has Mike already bought? 6. Has Jake already come from the theatre? Who hasn't come from the theatre yet? 7. Has the film already begun? What has just begun? 8. Have they been here since 1997? Since what time have they not been here? 9. Have you reserved a room in a hotel? Where have you reserved a room? 10. Has Jake shown the visitors his town? Whom has Jake shown his town?
такое не проходил прости)