тут всё легко, главное перевести
1. Kelly got a job in a factory. A year after the factory was closed down. At the time the factory was closed down, Kelly had been working there for a year.
2. I began walking along the road. 15 minutes later I saw a car. I …had been walking for 15 minutes when I saw the car.
3. It was very noisy in the flat upstairs. Two hours later Kelly came in her flat downstairs. Kelly’s neighbours had been having a party for two hours.
4. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She had been running.
5. When I arrived, Kate was waiting for me. She was annoyed because I was late and she had been waiting for a very long time.
6. Ann was browsing online.Three hours later her mum came in and got angry that Ann had been browsing for three hours already.
7. We were very tired. We had been traveling since morning.
8. I’ve sold my car I bought two years ago. I had been driving it for two years.
9. The hedgehog got into the container twenty minutes ago. I thought it wasn’t alive. It had been siting there for twenty minutes.
10. Since it got into the container, it had been siting there for twenty minutes already.
Windsurfing (виндсерфинг), squash (сквош), cricket (крикет), rugby (регби), badminton (бадминтон), long jump (прыжки в длину), high jump (прыжки в высоту), tennis (теннис), water polo (водное поло), javelin throwing (метание копья), volleyball (волейбол), scuba diving (подводное плавание), hurdles (препятствия), ice hockey (хоккей на льду), aerobics (аэробика), karate (карате), gymnastics (гимнастика), basketball (баскетбол), snowboarding (катание на сноуборде), climbing (скалолазание), jogging (бег трусцой), cycling (велоспорт), football (футбол), golf (гольф), swimming (плавание).
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