У меня не очень хорошо с англ но попробую.
In this autumn i had one of the the greatest holiday in my life . And it was remembering . I think everyone had like this .
In this holiday i decided to visit my grandma's house and take care with her . And i played football with my friends and made new pen friends from internet .
And in last 2 days i tried to do homeworks from each object. I was shocked that i froget some themes thatswhy i decided to study hard at school
I think everyone will study hard at school and learn many new things for themselves . And i will study hard but i will remember this holiday .
Есть и пепеводчик
Daniel likes salat and oranges. He doesn't like chips and ice cream.
Harry and Joe don't like burgers and mushrooms. But they like sandwiches and fruits .
остальное мне лень