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Топик Virtual Reality
Not long ago computers were considered an amazing invention. Today they form part of our everyday life. The latest thing today is Virtual Reality. A Virtual Reality system can transport the user to exotic locations such as a beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body.
The Virtual Reality system is still in the early stages of its development. At the moment it is necessary to put a large helmet on your head to see the simulated world and you have to wear a special glove on your hand in order to manipulate the objects you see there. Lenses and two miniature display screens inside the helmet create the illusion that the screen surrounds you on every side.
You can "look behind" computer— generated objects, pick them up and examine them, walk around and see things from a different angle.Already today Virtual Reality is used in medicine. In hospitals, surgeons could plan operations by first "travelling" through the brain, heart or lungs without damaging the body. It is also used in police training schools. In schools pupils could explore the Great Pyramid or study molecules from the inside. Developers of Virtual Reality say its potential is powerful.
The word which comes closest to describing Virtual Reality is "simulator." Virtual Reality technology resembles the flight simulators that are used to train pilots.
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Компьютер также нам покупать товары, находить информацию, бронировать билеты, проводить презентации и годовые отчеты, а также производить сложные расчеты. Время экономится на досуге.
На свободное время также влияют компьютер и другие периферийные устройства. Вы больше не ходите в музыкальные магазины - многие вещи доступны в Интернете. Вам не нужно писать письма родственникам или друзьям - вы можете отправить электронное письмо. И ваши фотоальбомы тоже есть на компьютере.
Компьютерные игры, вероятно, также являются частью вашего свободного времени. Они становились все более и более реалистичными и сложными, и для многих людей становилось невозможно оторваться от них. Это означает, что электронные устройства, такие как компьютер и телевизор, используются в основном для развлечения и потребляют большую часть времени, которое можно было бы потратить на работу, прогулки и сон. Человек становится рабом уловок, призванных сделать его сильнее.
Есть выход? На самом деле есть, но многие люди этого не знают и все еще остаются рабами. Лучшее решение - не отдавать этому оборудованию место в своем сердце. Они должны делать свою работу. А когда отдыхаете, предпочитайте реальное общение виртуальному и живите активной жизнью просмотру криминальных фильмов. Тогда электроника будет не нашим господином и не врагом, а нашим другом!
Fiscal and monetary policy are the most effective methods of state regulation of the economy.
Taxes are mandatory payments by individuals and legal entities to central and local budgets. Taxes perform two fiscal and regulatory functions. Initially, in all states at different stages of development, taxes performed only a fiscal function, tf. tax revenues (went away) to finance government spending.
Over the past two decades, taxes have performed a regulatory function through the tax policy of the state. By manipulating taxes, the state is trying to achieve certain goals - to increase output, employment, or reduce inflation.
Taxes can be classified into direct and indirect, state and local. The main types of direct taxes that taxpayers pay are: personal income tax, corporate income tax, property taxes, social taxes. fees, etc.
Indirect canopies are taxes on goods and services. These include excise taxes and duties. Excise taxes are imposed on alcohol. petrol. tobacco products. The most common form of excise duty is VAT. This tax was first introduced in France in 1954. VAT rates in different countries range from 5 to 38% of the value of the goods. In Ukraine, VAT is levied at a rate of 20%.
Indirect taxes have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, they are a reliable way to mobilize funds in the state budget, and on the other hand, they increase the prices of goods that place a heavy burden on the poor.
Nowadays, many works of literature and art are devoted to the virtual world. There is more and more entertainment based on another reality. Why is the fictional world so popular?
Imagine that you can become any creature, to be anywhere, at any time. To gain super-strength, change appearance, realize any desire - such opportunities will seem attractive to anyone. And almost always the heroes of science fiction stories are in euphoria. The virtual world replaces reality for them, they are increasingly moving away from ordinary life. Such people can no longer return to themselves as usual, because virtual reality intoxicates. But what happens next? In a week, a month ...? Why is there no more that original joy? Why did saturation suddenly occur? The human brain is so arranged that it starts to get tired of the same actions, things, people. He needs rest, a change of scenery. And what is virtual reality - it is, by and large, a program written by people. Is it possible to invent a world brighter and larger, more contradictory and multifaceted, with a huge number of nuances and details, with a rich history than life itself ?! Even if all the people of the world come together and "digitize" their lives, fantasies, ideals and dreams, it will still result in a very limited world. What about feelings and emotions? Also try to convert to ones and zeros? One cannot do without them in any world. This is the main component of the human spiritual world.
That is why the heroes of many books return to reality. The authors show how the characters gradually realize and feel the whole lack of spirituality of the virtual world. Of course, from time to time you want to dive into it in order to get a portion of emotions, but everything should be in moderation. And those who can no longer leave virtuality, they become addicted, and this is already a disease.
The alluring fantasy world will always attract people. I suppose that every year the virtual world will be getting better and better. But I want to believe that humanity will not make the mistake of abandoning real, living life for the sake of fleeting joy. And that people will always remember: where fiction ends, reality begins.