Past Simple - Yesterday I went to the park with my friends. Вчера я ходила в парк с моими друзьями. Present Progressive - She reading a book now. Она читает книгу сейчас. Past Progresive - When I came home, my brother was sweeping the floor in his room. Когда я пришел домой, мой брат подметал пол в своей комнате. Present Simple - They usually go to the swimming poll together. Они обычно ходят в бассейн вместе. Present Perfect - We have already cleaned the windows. Мы уже вымыли окна. Past Perfect - By the time my father came back I had already cooked dinner. К тому времени, когда отец вернулся, я уже приготовила ужин.
1 Mr. Sawyer ( subject) usually(adverbial of frequency) reads(predicate) his (attribute)newspaper(object) at night(adverbial of time). Does Mr. Sawyer usually read his newspaper at night? общий Who usually reads his newspaper at night? вопрос к подлежащему When does Mr. Sawyer usually read his newspaper ? специальный Does Mr. Sawyer usually read his newspaper at night or in the morning? альтернативный Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night, doesn`t he? разделительный
2 Mary and James (subject) work (predicate)in the hospital(adverbial of place) Do Mary and James work in the hospital? общий Who works in the hospital? вопрос к подлежащему Where do Mary and James work? специальный Mary and James work in the hospital,don`t they? разделительный Do Mary and James work or study in the hospital? альтернативный
3 They(subject) will go (predicate)to New York (adverbial of place) next year (adverbial of time) Will they go to New York next year? общий Who will go to New York next year? вопрос к подлежащему They will go to New York next year,won`t they? разделительный Where will hey go to New York next year? специальный Will they go to New York next year or next month? альтернативный
4 We (subject) went (predicate) to the cinema(adverbial of place) yesterday(adverbial of time) Did we go to the cinema yesterday? общий Who went to the cinema yesterday? вопрос к подлежащему We went to the cinema yesterday,didn`t we? разделительный Where did we go yesterday? специальный Did we go to the cinema or to the museum yesterday? альтернативный
5 He( subject) has listened (predicate)to the news (object) at breakfast (adverbial ) Has he listened to the news at breakfast? общий Who has listened to the news at breakfast? вопрос к подлежащему He has listened to the news at breakfast,hasn`t he? разделительный When has he listened to the news? специальный Has he listened to the news at breakfast or at lunch? альтернативный
ответ:does not like