Today, almost all teenagers have mobile phones. I think that this has both positive and negative sides. The advantages of this gadget are that they make our life easier. That is, we can always find the information that we need in just a few seconds, we can also contact our friends and loved ones by calling or writing to them through instant messengers. We can keep abreast of all the news from the outside world and keep up with the industry. But mobile phones can harm us in places. Sometimes we ourselves do not understand how we are attached to the phone, thus wasting a lot of time. Also, if we do not move away from the phone for hours, they can harm our eyes, so it is worth knowing the extent to which our gadgets are used. So, in the end, I believe that these gadgets can be very useful for us and for our development, but you should not neglect this and thereby harm yourself. You need to use mobile phones for the most part for need and sometimes for fun
Все мы знаем, что такое резина. Мы видели ее на колёсах машин, мы использовали её , чтобы исправить ошибки в рисовании, мы играли с резиновыми мячами. Когда мы сжимаем кусочек резины, мы меняем его форму. Но как только мы перестаёт сжимать, резина возвращается в свою первоначальную форму., таким образом, можно сказать, что резина эластичная. Резину впервые использовали для того чтобы делать из неё мячи. В 1492 году Колумб приплыл из Испании и открыл Америку. Одной из многих странных вещей, которые он видел в Америке, была игра с резиновыми мячами. Они заметили, что резиновые мячи были намного более ..., чем мячи, которые они использовали в их собственной стране.
Today, almost all teenagers have mobile phones. I think that this has both positive and negative sides. The advantages of this gadget are that they make our life easier. That is, we can always find the information that we need in just a few seconds, we can also contact our friends and loved ones by calling or writing to them through instant messengers. We can keep abreast of all the news from the outside world and keep up with the industry. But mobile phones can harm us in places. Sometimes we ourselves do not understand how we are attached to the phone, thus wasting a lot of time. Also, if we do not move away from the phone for hours, they can harm our eyes, so it is worth knowing the extent to which our gadgets are used. So, in the end, I believe that these gadgets can be very useful for us and for our development, but you should not neglect this and thereby harm yourself. You need to use mobile phones for the most part for need and sometimes for fun
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