1 I can help you with your homework, if you want.
I don't mind, help you with your homework
2 It's two weeks since I saw my friend Josh.
I Don`t see my friend Josh for two weeks.
3 Il's quite unusual for Ben to travel by bus.
Ben by bus very often.
4 There weren't many people in the cafe today.
There were very muth people in the cafe today.
5 Ted won't be a fast swimmer if he doesn't practise.
Ted won't be a fast swimmer without practises.
6 I think it would be a good idea to see the doctor.
You must to see the doctor.
7 This coat has Tom's name in it, so l'm sure it's his.
This coat has Tom's name in it, so it his.
8 I can't go to the concert because I don't have any money.
If I don`t have money,I could go to the concert.
9 Our English teacher wrote this poem.
This poem were written our English teacher.
10 A professional photographer took my photo.
I had taken photo by a professional photographer.
Sure, i can pretend my own future. My occupation will be very succesful, i know it.
I want to have really big family, three childrens - two boys and one girl. I wish i live in Canada, in the best city - Vancouver.
I hope i will be very healthy and i want to have in my big house something fro, GYM. Maybe i want my own GYM.
Also i wnt to have a lot of money to travel a lot. My hobby - is seeing something new, my hobby - is travelling everywhere. My friends will be succesful too so i hope at one day we all will travel to Australia to celebrate there New Year.
Конечно, я могу представить свое будущее. Моя работа будет очень успешной, я знаю это.
Я хочу иметь большую семью, три ребенка - два мальчика и одну девочку. Я хотел(а) бы жить в Канаде, в лучшем городе - в Ванкувере.
Надеюсь, мое здоровье будет очень хорошим и я хочу, чтобы в моем большом доме было что-то, что обычно используют в фитнесс-залах. Может, я хочу свой собственный Фитнесс-зал.
Я хочу иметь много денег, чтобы много путешествовать. Мое увлечение - видеть что-то новое, мое увлечение - путешествовать везде! Мои друзья тоже будут успешными, так что я надеюсь в один день мы все полетим в Австралию, чтобы отпраздновать там Новый Год.