my plans for hollidays and i really dont know what im going to do, because the only thing that i can think about is how to pass my exams. But i really want to travel a lot on my hollidays, because i find it very interesting and i think, that i will play video games as i always do. And i dont know that my parents are planning, because i havent talk about this with them, but im going to travel with them. and i really wanted to ask you about your new computer, what model it is, is it have a new functions and what happend to your previous one. Cant wait hearing from you again.
В мире существует много увлекательных профессий. И каждая из них по-своему интересна и важна. Профессии имеют свои уникальные особенности. Но есть одна, которая заинтересовала меня больше всех. Это лётчик. И если получится, я хотел бы стать лётчиком и выбрал именно эту профессию, потому что она вызывает чувство гордости и отваги, всегда стараюсь быть похожим на него и соответствовать этим качествам.
There are many fascinating professions in the world. And each of them is interesting and important in its own way. Professions have their own unique features. But there is one that interested me the most. This is a pilot. And if it works out, I would like to become a pilot and chose this profession, because it causes a feeling of pride and courage, I always try to be like him and meet these qualities.
1 The Grand canyon is in the USA - Большой каньйон находится в США
2 Wind farms are a great source of energy - ветряные электростанции - отличный источник енергии