Were you reading, when Nick phoned?
Be quick! In five minutes Granny will tell us my favourite tale.
She decided not to give up music, though it wasn't easy to find time for it.
Could you, please, give these exercisebook back?
A swamp is a land which is full of or covered with water.
Do you know how old he is now? He is nearly 20 years old.
The sandy beaches in the South of England are quite famous.
The citrous plains stretch for hundreds of miles.
We study all the days except Sunday.
It happened just when we least expected it.
When we describe a very damp climate, you call it humid
In the centre of the continent and in the west more than 50% of the land is desert dry and uninhabited
There are 7 deserts in Australia
The capital of Australia is Canberra
Australia's largest city is Sydney
The eastern coast is the least populated part of Australia, the centre of the continent is its most populated part.
Northern Territory is the least developed part of Australia if we speak of its industry.
Чувак, я в последнем не уверен, посмотри в тексте
1) I am at school now.
2) These children are in the yard.
3) My sister plays tennis.
4) A daughter studies at the university.
5) The pupils of our school take part in this competition.
6) He gives me a book.
7) His brother often carries a lot of magazines.
8) I like watching TV every evening.
9) They always watch TV in the morning.
10) She usually dresses a coat and mittens in winter.
11) We are schoolchildren.
12) They usually have five or six lessons.
13) Tommy has a lot of relatives.
14) He often goes to school on foot.
15) I always do my home task in the evening.
16) Their son does his home task.