Найдите в тексте Паст Симпл и Паст Континиус B 1 the History of modern television begins in 1888, when a boy, Vladimir Zvorykin, was born in Murom to a rich merchant family. The boy spent his summer holidays on Board his father's ship. While sailing on the Oka, he helped repair and maintain the ship's electrical equipment, and so began his interest in electrical engineering.
2 Vladimir studied electrical engineering at the Saint Petersburg Institute of technology. He was a talented student and attracted the attention of the famous Professor Rosing. He helped Boris Rosing with experimental work on television in Rosing's private laboratory. In 1910, Rosing and Vladimir Zvorykin introduced an original television system with a mechanical scanner in the transmitter and a brown electronic tube in the receiver. It was one of the first television demonstrations of any kind, and a very successful one.
3 V. Zworykin received his higher education in 1912 and for some time continued studying x-rays with Professor Paul Langevin in Paris. During the First world war, Zvorykin served in the Russian signal corps, then he managed to get a job at the Russian company “Marconi”, engaged in testing radio equipment produced for the Russian army. Zvorykin left Russia for the United States after the October revolution, during the Russian Civil war.
4 There, in the late 20s, he invented the cathode lamps that made him famous, and brought television to our homes. It took him several years of experimentation to turn the patents into a working system. The system was ready for launch in late 1934. In early 1935, the new lamp was introduced in Germany. It was then used successfully at the 1936 Berlin Olympics as one of several cameras broadcasting the games to about two hundred public cinemas. Zworykin patented the color television system in 1928. Much later, in the summer of 1959, at the American exhibition in Moscow, Zvorykin demonstrated a working color TV. Vladimir Zvorykin is often called the father of television.
2. 1c, 2a, 3e, 4b, 5d
3. 1. disaster, 2.geography, 3.animals,
4. 1.world, 2.Moon, 3.the Earth, 4.destroied, 5.volcans
5. 1.false, 2.ttrue, 3.false, 4.false, 5.false
6. 1.accident, 2.poisioned, 3.harmless animals, 4.exageration becomes true, 5.hot dry day, 6.ability to get in trouble, 7.habitat, 8.freeze in fear, 9.screamed and fainted, 10.climate changes fast
1. Два ребенка утонули потопе, когда их лодку перевернуло.
2. Это потрясающее место для дайвинга, потому что вода очень прозрачная.
3. Самолет перелетел через Альпы на обратном пути из Женевы.
4. Говорят, ураган может накрыть острова уже сегодня.
5. Они собираются подняться на южный склон горы.
8. 1a, 2b, 3b, 4a