Read the text. Then match questions 1-5 with the paragraphs A-D. One paragraph matches
two questions
A im Tim Theakstone and I live in a very unusual
home in the UK. Most of my house is under the
ground. The house isn't very big. It's got a small
kitchen at the front and next to that is a living
room, with two comfortable sofas. At the back of
the house are the bathroom and the bedroom
BI live here with my wife, Jenny. She's in the
kitchen at the moment I usually do the cooking
but jenny's cooking today because I'm writing this
C One good thing about being underground is that
the house is naturally warm. It uses solar energy to
heat water, and that works well. I also love the
house because it's really beautiful. Friends love to
visit us!
D Of course, not everything is perfect. The house is
quite dark because there are only three windows
at the front of the house. We've got a lot of lamps!
3 Are there any problems with the house?
Вам нужна эта таблица.
Объясню на примере Present simple
Letters are sent every day. — Письма посылают каждый день.
не сами посылаются, а их посылают.
1 место - подлежащее, 2 место - вс глагол (в зависимости от времени), 3 место - сказуемое в 3 форме (если это неправильный глагол), или окончание -ed (если глагол правильный)
в вопрос. и отриц. предложениях
? — Вспом. глагол + подл. + сказуемое
- Подлежащее + вспом. глагол + not + сказуемое
в таблице, вроде бы, все понятно.
и еще обратите внимание, что Perfect Continuous вообще не используется в страдательном залоге. А время Continuous не имеет будущего времени.