I'm sure that, like most people today, you have and regularly use a wide range of electronic devices - smartphones, tablets, laptops and so on. We rely on these to connect talk to our friends, get information, send pictures and videos and much lot more. But perhaps you ever think about the harm and the dangers to your health of using these devices? It seems that more and more people are starting to take care of their health, but no - 60% of us listen to music that is too loud, and this can damage our ears. Some people text and message all free time, which can cause problems with their fingers and thumbs. Also, because we regularly look at large and small screens, we can sometimes get bad headaches and sore eyes. And people who use desktop computers every day at work can get very bad backs. Finally, there is a serious, a horrible problem that experts call Text neck. When we text, we look down at our phone, bending our necks. When we do this too much, it can cause neck pain and even damage to the spine. Will this information stop us using electronic devices? Probably not. But it might make us think and change our mind about turning on the gadget a moment before we pick up our phone or go online.
(Самое верхнее не делал ибо нам сказали что это не надо)
Task 1. Read the text and choose the right answer.
1. The sportsman is
b) a wrestler
2. If you strengthen your legs, you feel as if your body has become
a) much lighter
3. Long distance running is a good relaxation for
b) the arms and back muscles
Task 2. Insert the words, according to the text.
4. A wrestler must have many qualities to beat his rivals.
5. Then I decided to build up my muscles.
6. I weighed a little over 100 kg but defeated even those who weighed 120, 150 and 180 kg
Во Writing
Выберите ОДНУ из тем и пишите.
Тема 1. Напишите статью в газету, описывающую самое популярное нынче хобби в Казахстане, используя соответствующую грамматику. Попробуйте упомянуть эти вопросы:
1. Какое хобби очень популярно среди молодого поколения в Казахстане?
2. Почему это важно?
3. Ваше собственное хобби отличается от самого популярного? Как? Почему?
Тема 2. Напишите в школьном журнале статью о любимой спортивной звезде, используя соответствующую грамматику. Попробуйте упомянуть эти вопросы:
1. Имя / почему знаменитость.
2. Внешний вид / личность.
3. Свободное время.
4. Отношение писателя к звезде спорта.
(Осталось составить письмо и перевести в переводчик, думаю тебе не будет трудно)