я не понял задание. Read the first two paragraphs of the text again and choose the right answer for the question below.
This week there are more traffic jams than usual. Buses, taxis, everything is blocked. In such situations, I take the subway. I live 20 minutes from the metro station, but if I walk fast, it takes me about 12 minutes. But when I take the subway, I have to spend 30 minutes to go to the office. That is why I prefer to go by bus.
I have a direct way without changing the transport. If it rains, I also take the bus. After that if I take the subway, my office is one hour from home. And it is about 40 minutes if I take the bus. I can also go by tram; it is cheaper a bit but it is much longer. I have to go with a lot of stops.
The question is:
What transport goes directly to work?
a taxi
the bus
the subway
the bus, если не ошибаюсь