1. This delay causes financial loss to both the client and the freight forwarder= Эта задержка вызвала финансовые потери для клиента и экспедитора 2. A third category of offences can be tried either by magistrates or by the Crown Court.=Третья категория преступлений может быть судим либо магистратов или наследного Суд. 3. Either the prosecutor or the defendant may appeal from the magistrates’ court to the High Court. =Либо прокурор или обвиняемый может подать апелляцию из суда магистрата в Высокий суд. 4. Neither this offence nor that one could be neglected. =Ни это преступление ни того, что можно было бы пренебречь 5. A crime l should be investigated as soon as possible.= Преступления должны быть исследованы как можно скорее.
1) I like making sandwiches with a ham every morning. 2) He gave her a glass of water and then she settled down. 3) My mum had been always making fried egg for me for the breakfast. 4) I took the folk and started to eat my lunch as fast as I could. 5) Marie can work with a knife very fast. 6) George, please, could you give me that spoon? 7) There was very disgusting food on the plate. 8) Look! There is yummy toast on a toast rack! (сорян, на большее фантазии не хватило:)) 9) He knew that it is not pointless to add honey with tea when you take a cold. 10) Put these flowers to the vase, please. 11) I think you need a little bit salt to make this dish perfect. 12) She is in diet and eats cereal every morning instead of sandwiches with tea. 13) He was drinking an orange juice when he saw very beautiful woman he had ever seen. 14) They took the roll of wallpaper and set to work with a will. Фуф, ну вот, написала:D